Leaning Towards Pisa
With the clock ticking down to our departure on Saturday, I asked my male god-bipedal attendant to take us on a little road trip to
Straddling the
Although the city would completely fall to
In its heyday, Pisa had controlling interests and enjoyed special privileges in Jerusalem, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Cairo, Alexandra and Constantinople. At one point,
The Leaning Tower (or Torre pendente di Pisa) of Pisa just might be to it, it was leaning. Over time and a lot of shifting soil or substrate (I’m putting on my geological hat here), the Tower found itself inclining at a rate of one millimetre a year.
Back when you humans were killing each other in the 20th century (World War II to be exact, because I know there are many other incidents for you to draw upon), the Nazis used the Tower as an observation post. The allies appointed a U.S. sergeant who had the option of launching a military strike against it. He ultimately chose not to destroy it. I hope someone gave him a medal.
In 1990, the Tower was closed so that a group of Big Brains could finally figure out how to stop the leaning - they did, with the result that the Tower leaned 40 centimetres less. It was reopened in 2001. My bipedal attendants and I and another 37 people – entry is restricted to 40 bears and people at a time – climbed 296 very slippery and wonky stairs to reach the top, some 55.86 metres from the ground. The views were spectacular and almost as entertaining as watching my female bipedal attendant have a meltdown on the top. Granted, the Tower’s top isn’t level (the Tower leans, you know) and the guard rails are awfully low, but still I thought she made too big a deal of it. She can be such a baby.
Of course, everyone has to have their photo taken of them “supporting” the
There’s a lot more I could talk about Pisa; after all,
I’ll just finish by saying that in 2001, engineers stated that the Tower would remain stable for another 300 years. In 2008, after tweaking 70 metric tons of soil, engineers revised that to another 200 years. It’s not that I don’t trust all those Big Brains who worked on the Tower, but I’m glad that I saw it in 2009. Generally, I like to lean on the side of caution.
Bear, I tried to call you guys this morning - or was it yesterday. That's weird. I am confused. Good travels tomorrow.
Mister Norris: We were at Carnevale yesterday in Venice and today we fly out. Only my female bipedal attendant's phone is working but it'll probably be turned off until Sunday ... very very sorry to have missed your call.
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